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Reaching the #Millennial #Market

“Hash browns? What do you mean hash browns? I like to enjoy those for breakfast…

Oh, you mean Hashtags...”

Let’s be real: everyone likes to hate on Millennials. We don’t do things the right way, we’re the first ones to blame when things go awry, and we love our overpriced avocado toasts.

But with 2020 creeping up on us, Millennials will soon look to make up about 50% of the global workforce, meaning new tactics and new methods of reaching this intriguing generation will be needed.

So, how can we be reached?

It may seem like we’re from a different planet, but we’re not that far apart. We still know the importance of tangible leave behinds, we understand that picking up the phone to talk to a customer works better than an email, and we sure love promotional products that have a meaning and purpose behind them.

In this edition of Terry Town Today, we’re going to go over ways that will help you capture the #Millennial #Market and dive into this strange, uncharted territory of the new generation.

Branding with a Purpose

When appealing to the Millennial market, you’re going to want your branding to reflect who you are as a person and what your company stands for. When drafting new flyers to leave behind after sales calls, or putting together a mini-catalog of your vendor’s products, you’re going to want to appeal to the senses, rather than just slapping your logo and some pricing on supplier-provided marketing materials.

Easy-to-follow text, photos that tell a story, and colors that coordinate with your logo will make any marketing material you put out there stand out more than the generic, cookie cutter flyers we’ve seen floating around.

Take the time to create and brand your company identity with a common theme or uniting message that you want your clients to understand. You not only want to inform them of what products they’re getting, but you’re informing your clients of who they’re working with right off the bat.

Remember: we are selling more than just products - we are selling ideas!

A Blend of Old School and New School

With social media and technology now an ever-present force in our lives, it’s time to start to utilize the tools that we have in front of us. The Millennial marketplace is one that thrives off of expertise and knowledge of a product or service.

Put yourself up front as the expert of all the products that you sell. Know the ins, outs, pros, cons, of each one so that your clientele will know they’re in good hands. Honest reviews that show the products being used in real-life situations will click better amongst Millennials. Give them your honest opinion rather than the bullet points.

Instagram Live stories are a great way to get one-on-one time with your followers. They allow you to show off your personal side and more importantly put a face to your company. By humanizing your brand, Millennials will be more inclined to reach out and dig deeper into your product offerings because they’re being reached by a method they see as familiar.

Videos, blog posts, and social media shares are easily accessible and are quick to pick up. While we’re not saying these methods should replace the traditional marketing materials you may be used to, they should at least complement and go hand-in-hand with traditional printed flyers or eblasts.

Post your latest flyer across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, but don’t just say the same thing. Know your audiences for each platform and tailor your captions to get the most out of each social media service.

Products that have Meaning

When you weigh all the factors as to what drives Millennials to purchase a good or service, the main consideration may not necessarily be all about price.

What Millennials want to see are products that have some kind of tangible, real-world value. They want products that can promote a message and be used as a rallying tool to unite a group or community towards a common goal.

They’re not going to be looking for products that have one-time use, or a product that’s seen as a novelty. Practicality, usability, and the amount of brand exposure the product can offer will be at the top of every Millennial’s mind.

When you’re searching far and wide of the depths of the Promotional Sea, be wary of familiar products that are safe and are the easy sell. Dive into uncharted territories and look to expand your product offerings; you never know when you’ll hit a gold mine.

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